GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission, Inc.

GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission, Inc.


GLEAMNS' Board of Commissioners

GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission, Inc.


ZOOM Virtual Video Conference - Meeting ID: 882 0740 8733
Join via Telephone at 1-929-436-2866 – Meeting ID: 882 0740 8733
July 18, 2024 – 11:00am


Mission Statement: The mission of GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission, Incorporated, a community-based organization, is to work in partnership with our community to deliver quality services, assistance, and opportunities to eligible customers with emphasis placed on education, employment, and developing self-sufficiency.        

I. Call to Order/Virtual Roll Call……………………………………. ….…Ms. Betty Boles, Chairperson
II. Invocation
III. Mission Statement (read aloud)
IV. Approval of the Agenda (ACTION)
V. Recognition of Staff and Visitors
VI. Approval of the Minutes: May 16, 2024 (ACTION)
VII. Executive Session

A. Personnel- Key Staff Hire Review- COO
B. Contractual- Lease Agreement for 10 Science Ct.
C. Contractual- Pineview Road Widening Project- Property Acquisition

VIII. Reconvene in Open Session- Action on Items from Executive Session, if any (ACTION)
IX. Committee Report Updates

A. Executive Committee (ACTION)
B. Finance Committee (ACTION)
C. Recruitment Committee

X. Program Updates and Items for Board Consideration and Information

A. Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)/ Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
2. Community Action Day Feedback
3. Update on Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (ACTION)

B. Head Start (HS)/Early Head Start (EHS)/Early Head Start Child Care Partnership (EHSCCP)


  • 1. Notification of Upcoming FA1 Review

  • 2. 2023-2024 Enrollment Report

  • 3. 2024-2025 Recruitment Report

  • 4. Facilities Report

  • 5. Board Liaison to Policy Council (Mr. Charles Jennings)

  • 6. Policy Council Liaison to the Board (Ms. Mary Wideman)

C. Human Resources-

1. Employee Satisfaction Survey Results
2. Vacancy Report

D. Weatherization- Quota Report
E. Mays Site- Update
F. Finance - Review Monthly Financial Statements- May and June 2024

XI. Chief Executive Officer Report
XII. Public Comments (not more than 5 minutes each)
XIII. Board Chair Comments
XIV. Other FYI/Comments/Announcements- Statewide Board Retreat- December 2024
XV. Adjournment


NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING – Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Board Meeting Agenda July 2024 View/Download